4k stogram android
4k stogram android

Please note, that downloading from more than 50 subscriptions can lead to issues because of these new Instagram limits. We do not apply any artificial restrictions on the number of downloads besides Instagram limits. The latest version updates subscriptions successively. In order to ensure 4K Stogram stable working, the app has been modified to comply with the changed limits. That’s why there is a situation when Instagram servers return the error "Too many requests" and the application stops operating for a while. When there are many accounts to be updated or to be subscribed to, Instagram servers receive many requests from 4K Stogram, and stop providing the necessary data. These drastic changes affected many services including 4K Stogram. It is especially relevant for actions like accounts updating, hashtag and user searches and tasks performance.

4k stogram android 4k stogram android

Instagram has reduced limits for all interactions with Instagram, they have become significantly smaller.

4k stogram android